• Agopuntori in Cerchio
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Raccoglie reports specifici per l’Agopuntura applicata agli uomini che offrono spunti importanti anche per la Medicina Veterinaria.

 Questo simbolo indica un testo integrale ad accesso libero

Impact 2014 Terapia del dolore e agopuntura
Impact 2014, Terapia del dolore e agopuntura  – Intervista a Carlo Maria Giovanardi
pdf (900 KB) 

Acupuncture Superior to Placebo, Usual Care for Chronic Pain
Acupuncture Superior to Placebo, Usual Care for Chronic Pain


NCCAM – The Science of Chronic Pain and Complementary Health Practices
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) www.nccam.nih.gov/health/acupuncture 

I Discorsi sulle Ostruzioni Bi Lun
dal XII Libro del Huang Di Nei Ching Su Wen.
(Roberta Sferra, Paolo Evangelista) Testo sul sito della Società Italiana di Agopuntura

Acupuncture Versus Venlafaxine for the Management of Vasomotor Symptoms in Patients With Hormone Receptor–Positive Breast Cancer: A Randomized Controlled Trial
(Eleanor M. Walker, Alba I. Rodriguez, Beth Kohn, Ronald M. Ball, Jan Pegg, Jeffrey R. Pocock, Ramon Nunez, Ed Peterson, Susan Jakary, Robert A. Levine)
Testo di presentazione sul sito Journal of Clinical Oncology

L’agopuntura può aiutare a prevenire i suicidi

Physician Characteristics and Variation in Treatment Outcomes: Are Better Qualified and Experienced Physicians More Successful in Treating Patients With Chronic Pain With Acupuncture?
(Claudia M. Witt, Rainer Lu, Karl Wegscheider, Stefan N. Willich)
Testo di presentazione sul sito Journal of Pain

Acupuncture Modulates Resting State Connectivity in Default and Sensorimotor Brain Network
(Rupali P. Dhond, Calvin Yeh, Kyungmo Park, Norman Kettner, VitalyNapadow) National Institutes of Health 

Traditional Chinese acupuncture and placebo (sham) acupuncture are differentiated by their effects on µ-opioid receptors (MORs)(Richard E. Harris, Jon-Kar Zubieta, David J. Scott, Vitaly Napadow, Richard H. Gracely, Daniel J. Clauw)
Testo int.

Pubblicazioni dell’OMS / WHO (in varie lingue) sulle medicine non convenzionali
 Testi integrali sul sito World Health Organization 

Acupuncture in Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (ACUSAR) – Design and Protocol of a Randomised Controlled Multi-Centre Trial
(Benno Brinkhausa, Claudia M. Witta, Miriam Ortiza, Stephanie Rolla, Thomas Reinholda, Klaus Lindeb, Florian Pfabc, d, Bodo Niggemanne, Josef Hummelsbergerf, Dominik Irnichg, Karl Wegscheiderh, Stefan N. Willicha)
Testo presentazione sul sito Karger

Bilateral Acupuncture Analgesia Observed by Quantitative Sensory Testing in Healthy Volunteers
(Philip M. Lang, Johanna Stoer, Gabriel M. Schober, Joseph F. Audette, Dominik Irnich)
Testi integrali sul sito Anestesia & Analgesia 

From mainstream to marginal? Trends in the use of Chinese medicine in China from 1991 to 2004
(Lei Jin)
Per leggere gratuitamente il documento in formato testo (22 pagg. da far scorrete), link al sito www.allacademic.com

 The acupuncture trials from Germany – What do they tell us about efficacy, effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and safety?
(Claudia M. Witt)
Video ospitato sul sito http://videocast.nih.gov 

Individual patient data meta-analysis of acupuncture for chronic pain: protocol of the Acupuncture Trialists’ Collaboration
(Andrew J Vickers, Angel M Cronin, Alexandra C Maschino1, George Lewith, Hugh Macpherson, Norbert Victor, Karen J Sherman, Claudia Witt, Klaus Linde, the Acupuncture Trialists’ Collaboration)
www.trialsjournal.com Pdf da 500 KB